Knowledge of the safe use of hand tools
1, hand tools with the safety of the main points
(1) Hand tools should be placed in special sets of belts or tool bags, tool buckets, not in the pockets of clothes and trousers, not to insert in the belt.
(2) For tools that are not in use for the time being, they should be stored in a proper position and placed smoothly so that they are not likely to fall and injure people, not on scaffolding, overhead pipes and moving parts of machinery.
(3) The tools should be passed from hand to hand between workers, not thrown; when passing tools with sharp edges, they should be directed towards the person bearing the tools according to the Ministry.
(4) With regard to tools such as crowbars, which must be carried on the shoulder, attention should be paid to the front and rear when carrying them so that they do not touch other objects and personnel, and to stability when they are put down.
(5) When carrying light power tools with soft lines, pay attention to maintaining the soft lines and keep them away from sharp objects, heat sources, oil or solvents to prevent damage to the soft lines.
2、Safety precautions for hand tool shanks
(1)The shank of the tool hit by the hammer is prone to partial shattering by long-term hitting, for which a metal hoop (bronze ring) should be installed at the end of the shank of a burin, punch, rock drill, etc.
(2) on the need to install the wooden handle of the craft tools, the wooden handle should be selected with tough hardwood (such as crushed wood, elm, walnut, acacia wood, maple, etc.) manufacturing. The wooden handle should be lubricated on the outside and should not have knots, cracks and other defects.
(3) Wooden handle and hammer head, axe head articulation must be reliable, solid, to prevent the use of wooden handle broken or hammer head fly out, in the use of such as found in the handle has a loose phenomenon, it is necessary to immediately wedge tight; do not rely only on the wedge fastening, wooden handle and equipped with good hole with more important.
(4) In order to prevent the wooden handle from spinning and slipping in the hands, the wooden handle should be made into an oval shape.